Perfection is a Myth


Here's my beef with perfectionism, it's unachievable. Why? Because we're human. We're beautifully flawed. And even when we're ultra achieving humans, we're always going to want more.

I spend a lot of time talking about the messy stuff. It's funny, I've opened up about so many things that I feel like if I'm not careful I'm going to trigger a worldwide prayer circle in my honor (not necessary, you guys). The reason I write from a place of vulnerability is because I feel like more people should.

It's okay to be a mega ambitious, goal getting butt kicker, who is also comfortable acknowledging that the messy parts are part of the package. Why share the ugly stuff? Because it breaks down the facade that we're meant to be perfect.

I met up with a girlfriend a few weeks ago for coffee. We knew each other through yoga and kept in touch within the yoga community, but this was the first time we sat face to face and really got to dig in to the juicy stuff. All I knew about her was that she was an upbeat, crazy gorgeous, explosively driven dream seeker. One of those people you adore off the bat for all the right reasons.

The coolest thing about getting up close with dynamic people, is that you learn about their weaknesses, too. You learn that they're vulnerable and sensitive, fumbling and clueless AF, just like you. It's what connects us. Every person who's won over my love and admiration has done so by displaying, unapologetically, their whole selves, the good and the ugly.Perfection is a myth.

I see you over there, swooning over your coworker, your cuter-than-you friend, your competition, your Instagram couple crush. Drooling over their good hair, their freedom, their lifestyle, their superiority to you in some way. To someone else, you're the one with the good hair and the freedom and the super glam lifestyle. Put perfection into perspective.

We're always clawing at a better version of ourselves. Our egos lure us into believing our art, our writing, our ideas, our work, our abilities and the state of our lives need to be just a little better before we're satisfied with the result. The problem with this method of standardizing ourselves is, we may never get where we're going. What's better? At what point is it quantifiable. When do we get to take a step back and celebrate ourselves for being less than perfect? The time is now.

Celebrate imperfection.


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