Neverland, Soul Unraveling, and Embodying my Inner Lost Girl


Day three in Costa Rica and I feel wildly at home, blissfully liberated and radically myself. Truly, madly. I am home.Real talk, I didn't expect to have a full on existential crisis my first 48 hours in Costa Rica. My first days here felt like a fist punch to the heart chakra. It took a total unraveling of who I am to feel whole here.

Walking a few kilometers back from the main part of town yesterday, soaked in sweat and unease, with a foot blister the size of a lime, feeling utterly chaotic and soul exhausted, I had an epiphany.

As the locals blazed past me on dirt bikes, bandanas over their faces and covered in dust, carrying dogs and babies and ripping by with zero fucks, I had two options. I could let this place break me, or I could allow it to embrace me.

Being the yogi, creative and passion pioneer that I am, I thrive on purpose. It's my sustenance. Without it, I don't know who I am. Stripped of an initial sense of why I'm here, I arrived in Costa Rica feeling like a lost girl of Neverland.

So this morning, instead of asking myself how I could fit in here, I embodied my purest, rawest form, and just fucking did me. I awoke with the sunrise, meditated on the beach by the waves, watched the surfers and sipped on a cup of black coffee.

In my bikini with salty, unwashed hair, I brought my tapestry and portable speaker out to the yoga garden (yep, we have one) and yoga'd my damn heart out. Tuned in, grounded into the earth, danced, got sensual, loved on my inner wild woman and stepped back into me.


Welcome to the Jungle


Monkeys and Coconut Paradise-ish