Cultivating Purpose on the Road


Today I celebrate my 1-week Costa Rica-versary. Fuuuck, this week has been intense! Jungle living, man. It's beautiful, chaotic, wild and cathartic!

Last night, cooking dinner with a pilot from Tel Aviv, we reflected on the highs and lows of being a traveler. I've felt everything from pure ecstasy to deep mourning. It's like living a thousand lifetimes in a series fleeting moments.

I could tell you the life story of dozens of humans from all over the world. I wake up in the morning without expectation, and haven't looked at a clock since I got here. I don't carry my phone anywhere and have been trusting my intuition to guide my daily adventures.

A traveler's mission is to explore with an open heart. A Costa Rican's mission is to live slow and enjoy life. I came here to live simply, focus on building a business from my laptop and live the tropical, digital nomad dream.

Week one has been like sticking your hand in a surprise box. I quite literally pointed to a map and landed in dust and dirt and salty wonderland. Nothing has gone according to plan, and that's the magic of it all.


Redefining the Tropical Dream


Welcome to the Jungle